Odd Socks and Bits Of Cheese

Sunday, June 04, 2006

An Introduction To Chickens

Greetings hatchlings, and welcome to my new world.
(That's right, my blog is my world.)

My name is Blinky, Blinky the Potato Girl, and I have a vision. Well, actually, I just have vision - useful things, these eyes. Anyway, digression aside (my introductions are always full of them), perhaps you are slightly curious as to why I am starting this blog. I certainly am.

Though random musings will find their place here, as they did before, the theme around which I will focus my writings is fanfiction - not something I've ever attempted in public before. On top of this, because I am a loser, it will be computer game fanfiction.

Yup. Computer games. Every computer game I have really enjoyed has caused some kind of spin-off writing on my part - another venture into the world so entertainingly created. Games that have held my pen's attention include Xcom; pokemon; Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption; Phantasy Star Online; Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind... Maybe others, I can't remember.
I may draw from any of these (except pokemon, probably, as that was a looong time ago) and any others that I feel like. I may just put odd short stories. I may not post at all. Ever. Nobody knows, and only time, distance and speed will tell.

Hopefully my prose will be slightly less whimsical than it is at the moment...

So farewell! I hope you enjoy your brief stay. Even if you don't know the games, the stories could be intriguing nonetheless. Or... not.



  • Hello Blinky.

    Your blog seems to be using your old username as well ... perhaps you've changed your profile page but not the actual username? Or perhaps you can't change it ...

    I get to be the first person to comment on your new blog! Hurrah.

    By Blogger Jingle Bella, at 5:49 pm  

  • Ooh, my username problem seems to have fixed itself. Yay!
    Congratulations on the first note. Coolness it is indeed.

    As Tree is still not internet capable I guess I'll have to write stuff at home and then transfer it in order to update... Just free writing takes a while and someone might complain about the lack of attention.


    By Blogger Blinky The Potato Girl, at 9:48 pm  

  • Huzzaa! So what prompted this sudden change of blog?

    By Blogger Pop!, at 11:35 pm  

  • Anononononomousness.

    By Blogger Jingle Bella, at 5:48 pm  

  • Anonymous means something like “unnamed” or “without name” doesn’t it? But she has a name of sorts—Blinky the Potato Girl. So surely what she has achieved is not anonymousness but “alternonymousness”.


    By Blogger Pop!, at 11:16 pm  

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