Odd Socks and Bits Of Cheese

Thursday, October 05, 2006

In The Interests Of Free Time

It has occurred to me that all this free time I have at the moment I will not have next week, and so it might be prudent to get some blogging out of the way. Not that I have nothing to do... I just have things to do that seem like a lot of effort.

Things Lucie has to do:
  • Take laundry to the laundrette (clothes smell of smoke)
  • Visit the health centre to enquire about the physiotherapist
  • Read my English handbook

    It's currently raining, so options one and two don't sound very promising at the moment. My neck is killing me - hence the physiotherapist. Somehow the night before last I managed to hit myself in the eye and acquire one hell of a stiff neck. It's not the same problem as I had a year ago, as my shoulders are fine, but it's really unpleasant nonetheless. Also rather unnerving when I have about five leaflets on meningitus dotted around the place... Anyway, that's why I'm avoiding reading the English booklet. It's not really worth it just to read it, I've been going through with a highlighter to make things easier. But it does need doing...

    I went round the societies today and joined loads... and now I can't remember exactly which ones I joined and which ones I just requested information for. Silly Blinky. I think I only joined the four... Music, role-playing, hiking and karate. I've made a sort-of timetable, though I imagine it will change.

    It's strange how much I'm missing playing the flugel. Maybe it's because I got such a great buzz off Saturday, but now I feel all deprived. I ordered my mouthpiece a week ago now, and they said about seven days, so I'm hoping I'll get it by Saturday. There's just so much to join in music-wise. They even said they'd happily take a flugel in the orchestra, just for fun. Strange people...
    I'm also worried that if I get out of the habit of playing it'll be harder to get back into it. Plus a little practise before auditions / meeting my new band would be helpful!

    Maybe I should do some writing... REAL writing. Though I must, must, must get my jeans washed. I hate the smell of smoke. And sorting out my neck should be a priority to... bah. Let's wrap up the entry.

    *gets out wrapping paper and scissors*

    There we go. All pretty.


    • Hey there! Woo for updatingness ... indeed, I am updating my blog at the moment. I've written you a letter! Though I meant to post it this morning on my way to work and completely forgot ... hmm, possibly *partly* to do with the fact that it's currently fulfilling the role of a bookmark in my room at the moment ... will try and post tomorrow!

      By Blogger Jingle Bella, at 10:50 pm  

    • Bookmarks are good... at the moment I have so many leaflets and random bits of paper from Freshers' Fair that I'm certainly not short of things to use.

      I shall go and look at your updated blog.

      By Blogger Blinky The Potato Girl, at 4:36 pm  

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