Odd Socks and Bits Of Cheese

Sunday, March 25, 2007

My Crime Spree

It was desperate. There was no choice.

I was out of toilet roll.
At some point before I became entirely nocturnal, I realised this at gone midnight, and started panicking. With John's help and direction I found the only toilets that are open all night - the Chaplaincy Centre.
So I stole half a roll.
God was watching.
I'd like to hope he was laughing.

D'you know, that's the only thing I've ever stolen in my life? Toilet roll from the Chaplaincy centre. I'm such a rebel. Besides, they had loads! They had refills and everything!

Haha. The Lentil is a criminal...
It still makes me giggle every time I think about it. My friend Igor had this to say on the situation:

"It had to be the chaplaincy centre didn't it.. not the libe.. not a bar.. you stole from the church.. lol :D"

Friday, March 09, 2007

The Shingness of Shing

Everytime I start a post after a period of many moons has passed I want to call it "It's Been A While". But that always makes me think a pretty rubbish poem I wrote ages ago. I like the concept, but seriously, it was bad.

So... I am hesitating, staying cautiously hidden, not really talking in this blog. After everything that happened over Christmas it feels strange, like a weird pang in my chest. I could start over, but what would be the point? I know it's possible that Pilgo could read this - though I don't think he does, he knows of its existence. I'd contact him if I didn't think it was far too soon, and would only cause more problems.

It's such an intensely personal thing to talk about. It's so surreal to have things going well with John, and yet at the same time this nagging sadness.

To avoid the subject, I'm going to talk about roleplaying.
I am now a member of the exec! Yay! Go Blinky the Secretary! According to John, this means that I am now one of the *The Enemy*, which I told him was a bad attitude to have towards the people that run his society. Hehe.
There has been a lot of exec drama lately, too. The Live Rep, who's in charge of safety and such at the Lives, has stepped down after realising that he might not be able to deliver exactly what the society wants. On election day the treasurer was ousted in favour of RON - Re-Open Nominations. So we need new people to stand, and we need them quick (it's tradition that any position not filled is dealt with by the secretary).

Trouble is, as it's being announced on Tuesday, and nominations are being closed on Thursday, we need someone to nominate themselves within 24 hours, and our society has a tradition of general apathy about this kinda thing...
My lovely "other" other half, who I shall call Jeff, as he is very similar to Jeff from Coupling, has nominated himself for treasurer. It's just a matter of getting a decent Live Rep, and getting one fast. We need someone who's going to be stompy and be able to actually confront people about safety issues, and, very importantly, stand up to the system refs.
John would be a good Live Rep, but there are issues as he's also a system ref, and a total megalomaniac. On the plus side, he COULD stand up to himself... On the minus side, he'd probably agree with himself. (My boyfriend, ladies and gentleman. Oh yes.)

It was a very aggressive meeting generally, with lots of difficult questions being put to all the candidates. Which has to be a good thing, I figure, as they voted me in all the same. We also have a new exec position, the shiny Social Secretary. Is it telling that our society was one of the few not to have a social secretary before?

I'd rant more, but it's quite complicated, and I haven't thought of online tag-names to use for everyone involved yet... Haha. Apathy rules.