Odd Socks and Bits Of Cheese

Monday, August 27, 2007

Sheepish Glances

Well, my blog lived again for a day. That was a month ago.

I currently have tea. Tea is wonderful. This is green jasmine tea 'cause I had it at my birthday meal and it was yummy. It's in a huge green mug that I have stolen from John while he is away at the event.

Work has been a little on and off. For those who don't currently know, I'm working at a nightclub. Mostly it's behind the bar stuff, with some occasional promotional work thrown in.
It's not great pay, especially as the hours are limited. On weeks where I work only Saturday night I do five hours and get maybe £20 after tax. Now we've started opening on Thursdays as well, so I'm getting more hours in, and this weekend I did Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday. Maybe I'll get £40... I need it, as I've got a phone bill coming out and I'm expected to go to someone's leaving do where there will be drinking. I'd be fine if it was just the phone bill...

I've also discovered that I don't suit well to short shifts. I mean, going to work essentially steals the latter part of my evening and also means that I can't drink (not that this is often a problem lol) and when it's for two and half hours on minimum wage it just doesn't seem worth it.
Not to mention that all the promotional work during the day is going to the 'popular' bunch at the moment. I keep hearing one of the girls at work complaining about having to get up and I feel like saying, "I'll do it! I'll get up! I want the freaking money!".
But I'm not sure how I feel about her. Sometimes I feel like she deliberately excludes me when she's over-friendly with everyone else. Just little things, and she talks over me in conversations a lot. But it might just be that she's moody, and I'm paranoid, so I'm making an effort to be friendly with her and seeing if it changes anything.

Other than that, the staff are lovely and I get on well with everyone. If I could put a few more hours in, it'd be fine. With any luck once term starts I'll keep the Saturday shift and maybe one during the week as well.

In other news, John and I are due a Long Serious Discussion. What a joy to look forward to.