Odd Socks and Bits Of Cheese

Thursday, July 24, 2008


So, having recently become single, I'm going to be terribly light-hearted about things and discuss pretty much anything but.

I'm getting obsessed with play-by-post stuff. It's such fun. There are aspects of it that work better than in tabletop and aspects where I really wish we could do the talking face to face, but it's certainly an experience. As I'm still staying with the wonderful Marie and Al (who probably would be slightly worried that I'm using their VIP names not their real names but hey, this is the blog of paranoia) we often spend our evenings in the bedroom, all on separate laptops shouting 'post!' at each other occasionally.

See, it's a social activity too. ;)

Tomorrow I'm going to the bank, and to shout at my ex-landlord down the phone for not getting back to me about my deposit yet. While I have very kind and generous friends who have helped to feed me and such, I'm still a little unhappy about being completely dependent on them and not even being able to contribute.

Overdraft time it is.

I've been getting up at about 7am every day since I came here. It's great - I'm really enjoying seeing the morning and making something of the entire day. It helps that I know I can go downstairs at 7 and chat with Al for like an hour while he potters around getting ready for work. It's always fun and a giggle.

I've gone from sleeping nearly constantly and being practically nocturnal to quite a normal schedule. This place is good for me in many ways. I'm often getting 5-7 hours of sleep, but I much prefer being tired from not enough sleep than tired from too much.

These are wonderful people.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Hungry and Lazy

I'm hungry. But I'm also feeling lazy, and there are some caramel shortcake bites behind me. I should really go get a sandwich or something, but that's so far away.

It's a dilemma.