Odd Socks and Bits Of Cheese

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Tuesdays are nice in that I only have one lecture... but that does make me feel like I really need to be efficient and get lots of work done. So I will. As soon as I've finished procrastinating... Luckily I did all of this week's reading last week, so all I have to do is make detailed notes and then do all of next week's reading. That's a point, what is next week...?
Oh. Hamlet. Great. It's all right, I've already started reading that anyway. Just need to step it up a bit. And in all fairness the rest of the week is also quite easy going, so it doesn't have to be done just *today*.

It's amazing! I'm meeting people who I might one day consider actual friends! Rather than most who are just... people I know. There is kind of a 'cool' crowd in the building, and I get on fine with them, but I can't quite see myself fitting in. Individually I like them, in a group I feel like a total loser. Which I am. But that's a good thing. Especially as I have found...

The Role-Playing Society!
Live Action Role Play is fantastic. Basically, it's what I've been doing on my own, pacing-up-and-down-in-my-room-talking-to-myself-imagining-things, in my head, since I was ten. My initial response was, "Other people actually do this??". And you get swords! And costumes! And you're running around in actual fields and woods and things!
Overuse of exclamation marks, but my goodness I cannot actually believe how much I'm enjoying it. Ever felt like you've found your calling? Well, mine is to act like a child again. With other people who like to act like children. And it's brilliant.
So, in the light of my new and special discovery, all I really want to do at the moment is LARP. Which is why even though Monday is my insanely busy day where I hardly get a break, it is also one of my favourite days because it contains the social LARP. Incidentally, based on a computer game I used to play. And write fanfiction for. I can't actually write what it's called for Google is dangerous.

Calm self, calm self... Can anyone else smell the distinctive scent of developing obsession? Ahem. It also helps that some of the people I've met there are extremely funny, and pretty much bonkers.
My character in this LARP is called Eve, and she's part of the crazy clan... So I have resurrected The Penny and The Little Blue Light as part of my 'derangement'. The fact that my character's derangement is based on real life... haha. I've decided that Honey is an agent of The Penny too, so I might bring her up on occasion.
Otherwise, I laugh a lot as Eve. In that this-isn't-really-funny-but-if-I-don't-laugh-I-might-kill-something way. Not in an Imogen way.

Imogen is cool.

Blinky is a special girl
And she really likes killing
She's trying to take over the world
With merriful blood spilling!

Here's to the geekiest society on campus.


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