Odd Socks and Bits Of Cheese

Monday, October 23, 2006


Okay, I didn't actually set my kitchen on fire. But I came close! I feel like a proper student now!
Everything was going well. I'd grilled some vegetable fingers (cheap AND healthy if not very filling) and put them on my plate, put the tray back in the oven and closed the door. Sat down, had my meal - maybe fifteen minutes. Went to do the washing up.
It was then I heard a strange clicking noise from the oven...
Oh, it's nothing, I thought, the metal is just bending as it cools down, it happens all the time.
More clicks. The clicks are getting more frequent.
Hold on a moment...

Blinky leans back to look at the oven, and sees that she has, indeed, left the grill on...

I switched it off, opened the door and was greeted with smoke. Now that I actually looked, the whole kitchen was a bit smoky... Small amount of panic regarding the fire alarm (it would call the fire brigade out) when I remembered it was heat sensing, not smoke sensing. Wise people that made that decision.
Opened the window wide. Considered myself a bit lucky.

I don't know what would have actually happened... If it would have caught fire or exploded or whatever. I theorised that I could have jumped out the window - we're only on the first floor. However, this thought has now filled me with a serious desire to jump out the window anyway - just to say I have.
Of course, I might get in trouble... though, as Musical Friend pointed out, only if I got caught. She's not a bad influence, honest!

Lentil says:
I don't know what I'd have done if it had actually caught fire
Lentil says:
Jumped out the window probably
Lentil says:
I might do that at some point anyway, just to say I have...
Musical Friend says:
Lentil says:
although it might get me in a bit of trouble
Musical Friend says:
not if nobody found out about it!
Lentil says:
yeah, maybe if I did it in the middle of the night
Lentil says:
and they didn't specifically tell us NOT to
Musical Friend says:
Exactly...and so long as you didn't land awkwardly and break a leg and be stuck there until someone found you the next morning it would all be fine!!
Lentil says:
yeah... that is the danger
Lentil says:
actually hurting oneself

It's true though! Never in any of the safety talks or rules and regulations were we specifically told not to jump out the windows. Maybe they think we have common sense... But they do realise we're students...


  • Blinky dear ... don't jump out of windows alone. At least if there's someone around they can explain to Pilgo and us how your spine snapped.

    Fire sounds interesting. Indeed, very clever to have heat-sensing fire alarms!

    *Jingle Bella goes to check that the leek and cheese pastry lattice bar in the oven hasn't burnt* (not very healthy, but gorgeous.

    By Blogger Jingle Bella, at 9:41 am  

  • )

    (because I forgot to close the last bracket)

    By Blogger Jingle Bella, at 9:42 am  

  • Closing the last bracket is indeed important.

    I don't think I'm going to jump out of the window. The moment has passed.

    By Blogger Blinky The Potato Girl, at 10:14 pm  

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