Odd Socks and Bits Of Cheese

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Mixing Myself

I know it's just no use
When all your lies become your truths
And I don't care

I just decided to listen to the new Michelle Branch album my mum randomly bought me a while ago. Mostly in the absence of having her old one with me... Anyway, that line just happened to stand out to me. So there we are. New music is good, I just have to be in the right mood to listen to a whole album for the first time.

Today is my weird day. Tomorrow is my massive walking day, and I'm determined to do it again, even if it rains. Woo for Goretex. This weekend is going to be hard, because all Saturday and all Sunday are taken up with society stuff. Usually Sunday is my work day... Must buy the new German textbook they've suddenly sprung on us, I'll want to get that reading done before the weekend. Today I managed a decent chunk of 'Hound', and as long as I'm sensible for the rest of the week I'll get it all done. At the moment I still feel like everything's being built up, and the action hasn't really kicked off, but it's still entertaining. And makes laundry time pass a lot quicker!

I think I'll be having a wander tonight. My last wander was... Thursday? Need my next fix. Haha. Unfortunately my nice idea for Eve's downtime regarding security testing has now been blown out of the water, so I'll want to brainstorm that. Not to mention NaNoWriMo.
Regarding CW, not everyone in my group has put their pieces up on the website, which means some of them are late. Do I get to ignore their pieces if they're late...? It's been over 24 hours since the deadline. Been quite a mix so far.
I worked hard to get my piece in early, darn it.

Why does self-discovery have to come at the same time as workload? Having said that, better my first year than my second or third. All I want to do is write and wander around on my own thinking, and roleplay. If I didn't have German to do too it'd be fine.
Still, I'm staying on top of everything nicely. Just. Ooh, I've just remembered that I have no seminar tomorrow. Brilliant. I might be able to do the career thing AND my nice long walk.

Hold on, hold on to yourself

Just remember the light inside. She's there, and no one can touch that.


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