Odd Socks and Bits Of Cheese

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Okay, people deserve updates. As much as I want to push this information to the back of my brain and not talk about it to anyone, I feel a bit bad keeping my friends in the dark.

On Sunday I told Pilgo that I wanted to go on a break.
No, I don't want to talk about it.

Thankfully role-playing, random conversations, playing with fire, turning to the dark side and psychotic geese have been keeping me cheerful.
Cheerful Blinky is good.

Plus English essays and NaNoWriMo make me pretty busy. Busy is also good. Deadlines are scary. I keep getting restless still, and I'm sick of weird hormonal shit. I'd quite like to get back the focus I had during A-Levels, but I understand that I might be asking a little much of myself there, what with all the incessant change I'm being bombarded with.

Still, as Spike said, change is good.
So I'll settle for pushing my boundaries in any way, shape or form I can.


  • Hey Lucie-bee

    Is that Spike as in from Buffy or something?

    Hope your essays are going okay, and your NaNo too - ooh, btw, the books I ordered have arrived so your Christmas present is safe :)

    Love you,

    By Blogger Jingle Bella, at 10:34 pm  

  • Spike is from the role-playing society, although indirectly, yes, he is named after Spike from Buffy. I am (apparently) the anti-Spike.

    By Blogger Blinky The Potato Girl, at 11:17 pm  

  • If you're an anti-spike does that make you a cushion?

    I reckon a cushion is about the furthest away you can get from a spike.

    By Blogger Jingle Bella, at 8:58 pm  

  • I do believe the phrase used to describe me was, "psychotically cheerful".

    That's not a very spiky thing to be.
    Or maybe a smooth round indent?

    By Blogger Blinky The Potato Girl, at 8:49 pm  

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