Odd Socks and Bits Of Cheese

Sunday, December 03, 2006


I have recently discovered that staying up all night on a Friday leads to a certain kind of freedom that only sleep deprivation can bring. So far, I've had 5 hours' sleep this weekend. Unfortunately it's approaching the time I thought I'd be going to be and I'm having an increase in energy. Another ebb has passed. Now I'm strangely alive. Sharper. Focused.

Is it bad to get addicted to insomnia?
It's as drug-like as I can imagine.

Stuff Happened. The awkwardness of not quite being able to explain what is leading to cryptic Lentil coming out of her closet. For Jingle Bella, the other half of the problem with Cabbage has been updated. And it's mutual.
Hmm, that may be too obscure for even people who know what I'm talking about to know what I'm talking about. Never mind.

Feeling wired and confused. Still, coming home soonish, and as one thing falls another is rising. Or would that be the other way round?

Oh they tell me, there's still time to save your soul, they tell me...

I really don't have any idea how things will go this Christmas. I'm regaining feeling in my heart, but is it the same?

Woo for emo angsty entries.


  • "Hmm, that may be too obscure for even people who know what I'm talking about to know what I'm talking about. Never mind."

    Blimmin' 'eck, yes! On the other hand, you should be getting my letter about now and so you can write back and tell me what's happening in actual english, yes? No? Maybe? Please?

    It is bad to get addicted to insomnia. But it is fun from time to time, isn't it? Been a long time since I went for that sort of thing though - I feel I have to be more responsible now with a proper job which would affect lots of people if I was half-asleep and so on.

    Love you Lentil.

    By Blogger Jingle Bella, at 9:31 pm  

  • Ah, see, I am but a crazy student, and so being half asleep is expected.
    My flirtation with insomnia continues. Last night I had 5 hours sleep. I'm feeling good... Haha. Wired.
    Ooh, must have more tea...

    I promise to let you know what's really going on, though I might type the letter this time - there's so much to say that it'd make it easier. Or at least type part of it. Maybe just email you that information? Heh. Something.


    By Blogger Blinky The Potato Girl, at 3:41 pm  

  • Having had time to muse I *think* I understand your obscure commentary. But not sure.

    By Blogger Jingle Bella, at 3:46 pm  

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